Yesterday, I lost sleep some time during ‘brahmamuhoortha’. My watch showed the time as 3.40. Then, after a while again I slipped into slumber, the next time when I opened my eyes it was 7.45. It was raining through out the night and it was one of those mornings when one just wants to tuck under the blanket for ‘some more time’. But this time, I made sure that I didn’t actually sleep. At last, I got out of bed at 8.10. I need a lot of time to finish my chores. In fact, in the morning I may look like a grown up version of Darsheel Safari brushing in ‘Taare Zameen Par’, baldy, bearded. And by the time I left my room, it was 9.15. I was just wondering why I feel so hungry and the bus I got in was surprisingly empty, not that I got a seat, but still comparing with the jam-packed one’s I usually travel, this one offered a lot of space, in bus conductors’ parlance ‘enough space to play football’. (They stopped using any such metaphor ever since people started to tell them that they are the goal keepers. So many goal keepers. Poor N.S.Madhavan who told us about the loneliness of the goal keeper) The real surprise was when I reached the office, almost all my colleagues were there at their seats with their eyes glued to the monitor and fingers frantically searching on the keyboard. No, it was not the ‘just-logged-in’ look but the ‘has-been-here-for-quite-some-time’ look. And the person on my left smiled at me, yup, something was there in it, something was wrong, and I almost smelt the rat. ‘What’s the time’? ‘11.30’, he replied. “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?” I got this reputation of hitting the bottle when it rains, and well, when it doesn’t. But yesterday I was just sober as a ‘whatsitsname’. But still some of my colleagues exchanged ‘I-know-what-you-did-last-night’ smile with me. Alas! What a day, it was not that I reached the office late, it was the 2 hours I missed…bizarre it was.
Everyone is busy explaining themselves. Isn’t it the problem with the world? No one bothers to care what the other feels, how they think, what they have to say or what it would be like if one stepped in to their shoes. It’s always me, me and ‘my point…’and I’m not different!
Someone says ‘one is responsible for one’s experiences’. I agree with that, though not wholly. That’s a damn truth, just love it. But still, my experiences don’t allow me to agree with that without disagreeing a bit.