Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I sat upright trying
to concentrate,
my eyes fixed
on the monitor.
On my back, the
beautiful executive
went on crooning
about her puppy.
Suddenly, she turned to me;
‘Arun, have you seen
my puppy?’ and thrust
her phone into my face.
Shifting my gaze from
the monitor I looked
into the device and
saw a monstrous canine.
‘Cleopatra, that’s her name’,
She said with a giggle!


anilkurup59 said...

Your long and frequent absence from blogging can be uncomfortable even to Cleopatra!

Names and appearances are deceptive , don't you see?

Arun Meethale Chirakkal said...

Of course, I see. But one tends to forget that quite often, don’t you see? :)

Balachandran V said...

'The beautiful executive' could be having a great sense of humour too!

P. Venugopal said...

loved it, arun!

sujata sengupta said...


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