Wednesday, October 5, 2011


After the third peg, it rained.
When the last drop of water
Fell off the tip of my nose,
There appeared a sunflower field
That stretched to the horizon.
On the other side stood the
Pristine, immaculate figure
Who made me wonder once,
‘Can life be this beautiful or
Is it just another stupid dream?’
As she came forward, I could see
The gleefully moistened eyes and
The fine curves on her cascading tresses.
In her husky voice that gave me sleepless
Nights she whispered playfully,
“Come to me, come to me…”


anilkurup59 said...

Arun a good one and often dreamed of. But let me also mention that you must remember to thank the spirit.

Balachandran V said...

What was that you drank? If death can appear as a beautiful woman, I would rather keep a bottle of that instead of Ganga Jal! :-)

There was a remarkable observation by a reader of my blog; when I wrote of death as enveloping darkness, she asked why. Why cannot it be blinding light?

anilkurup59 said...

As Balan mentioned of the observation in his Blog comment, why not death be a binding light?
Not a Grim Reaper but the angel maiden in white flowing robe as was portrayed in the movie "All that Jazz".

But I did not wish to see death in here.

NRIGirl said...

Hi! Nice to visit your blog and very happy to see familiar people here. Will be back for more later.

NRIGirl said...

About the poem - what can I say? That's one subject I haven't thought about much. In the rare occassions it crosses my mind, I see the embracing arms of Him I worship...

...and ofcourse the smiling familiar faces of Papa and Grandmas and Nimmie my best friend - who have gone before...

Arun Meethale Chirakkal said...

Anil Kurup: Yeah, I need to thank the spirit. In fact, it’s the spirit that helped me to see death in a totally different light
Balan Sir: I think it was Royal Stag. As the reader wondered ‘does it need to be an all-enveloping darkness’? I read accounts of people who had near death experience. What they witnessed was a bright light, almost blinding.
NRI Girl: Nice to have you here. The thought of one’s own death can be inspiring. Actually is there anything as inspiring as death, the ultimate leveler? Sorry to hear about the ones who departed, especially your young friend.

Kalyan Panja said...

lovely lines...nicely crafted words!

Sumi Mathai said...

oh my oh my..really booze can give all this? :P

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