Tuesday, November 27, 2012


“You learn
The ropes
As you
Go on.”
By the logic,
I should’ve
Learned it
By now.
But, each
Passing day
I realise
How Ill equipped
I have become.
How completely
Defeated I’m.


anilkurup59 said...

Come on Arun, after seeing you now for a good while on the Blog, I think you do not have to be so modest and almost deprecate self.

I 'm now at breaking point of my wits after having to bear with a man who is destined to never learn from the past. His ego is so bloated that you fan it from Timbuktu and it will relish upon on him here.

Arun Meethale Chirakkal said...

Modest! I would like to say, “yay yay”, but my friends, I’m sure, will differ, they may even resort to violence. :)
I was trying to express a feeling of helplessness when it comes to facing/tackling people/situations, the perils of not being practical or street-smart, maybe.
About learning from the past: Though much importance has been given to ’learning from the past’ one cannot fully abide by it or else one may end up cynical, but if it’s ego that prevents it, alas!
Your tryst with interesting people seems to be on and on and on. :)

Balachandran V said...

Life is such an absurdity, isn't it? I don't know the origin of 'learning the ropes', but rope it is, our life. I totally agree with you - I too realize how ill-equipped I am to the ways of survival. But I won't say, defeated, because as you said in the latest post, 'Hope lies in despair!

Arun Meethale Chirakkal said...

I think what is important is not to dub it ‘hopeful’ or ‘despairing’ but to admit that these are all ephemeral sensations. Everything is transitory, as Budha says!

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