Wednesday, November 28, 2012


‘Hope lies in despair’,
Pronounced the blowball,
Abandoned by the last
Wind, before falling into
A state of eternal bliss.


anilkurup59 said...

Blame it on the limitations of my faculties, I read these few lines a few time over to grasp, what seems to be the idea behind the words.
Liked the way into bliss.

Arun Meethale Chirakkal said...

Much thanks for your constant encouragement. But, please don’t strain yourself. The lines I write often come to me, quite often just as they are, sometimes I find them interesting and worth blogging. Here, bliss is a result of not having to do anything, the urge is gone and then, at the moment, it realizes how blissful it’s. (At least that was what I intended to convey)

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