Thursday, September 19, 2013

Just like that…

A word,
A deed,
Friends turn
Strangers, just
Like that.
What awaits
The friends
Of the friends
Who've turned
Strangers, just
Like that
Are the
Awkward silence,
The cold,
Hostile glances,
And the
Fierce urge
To withdraw
Into their
Own worlds.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


 “Do you love me?”
She asked.
A simple ‘yes or
No question.’
Yet, he stood there
Choosing none.
He has reasons
Aplenty to think
He does, and a few
That he doesn’t;
His reluctance
To take a ‘come-what-
May-I’m-going-to- take-
Being one.
“Do you love me?”
She asked, again.
“No”, he said.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Every time I
Take a siesta,
My world
Caves in.
The rest of
The day and
Night I stay
Wide awake
Mending my

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Fool

‘Was she ill?’
My friend,
The deceased’s
Ignored the
After a while,
In solemn
Voice, he told
Me, how he lost
His paternal     
Granny exactly
Four years ago,
On April Fools’ Day!

Monday, March 18, 2013

What if…?

Maybe it’s wrong
To say that the
Silence between
Us has turned into
A slug.

What if it’s maturing?
Into Vintage Claret!
Let’s not disturb the
Process. Let’s just allow
It to age, slowly, slowly…

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Misadventures of a pair of bored eyes

Out of sheer boredom
They decided to move
Around, all by themselves,
Comfortably leaving
Behind the one they
Belonged to.

They fixed themselves
Momentarily on sights
Illuminated by the neon
Lights such as over-sized
Mannequins showcased
At glitzy showrooms,
Couples walking hand in
Hand, hawkers, steady
Stream of vehicles, a cute
Little boy pleading to his
Mom for something that
Caught his eyes…

Suddenly they rushed back
To where they belonged to
When a lean guy supporting
Himself on the pavement
Railing, irritated by the
Presence of two wandering
Eyes upon him, probed
Aggressively, showing his
Stained teeth, ‘kyaa?’

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Have you noticed?

Have you noticed
That the silence
Between us has
Turned into a slug
Inching back and
Forth as if in a trance?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Going and seeing a girl is
Like renting an apartment.
(Those who see objectification/
Commoditization of women
In the lines are requested to
Read them as, ‘Renting an
Apartment is like going
And seeing a girl’).

You get to know neither the
Girl nor the apartment.
Still, you nod the nods and smile
The smiles, courteously.
Questions asked, either
By the girl’s dad or her
Super polite uncle; either
By the landlord or his buxom wife.
Questions such as,
‘Are you non vegetarian?’
‘How is life in the city?’
You know the questions
Are interchangeable,
And who asked what
Doesn’t make any difference.

All it takes is some water
To flow under the bridge
To realize that the faucet
Is dripping and the fan makes
A lot of noise; or the girl
With a sweet voice has
A fiery temper and her
Super polite uncle is a crook.

But by then, fortunately,
You would’ve realized
That what is important is
To overlook and not to look.


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